The Big Fat Engagement!

Get engaged
Get engaged

I’m pretty sure everyone dreams of having a lavish wedding, and to get married to the love of your life, and even before that, to have the best engagement and a wonderful, breathtaking proposal along with that. Your bucket list 2019 must have this point included, what do you think? An ultimate wish to be engaged to the love of your life. Getting engaged is not just about a proposal or even selecting the best engagement ring for your partner, it also means a lifetime of commitment and togetherness, and to be each other’s strength and to hold onto each other strongly.

Plan your Engagement

All you need to do is plan your engagement thoroughly out. It is an important life decision and you also need to be aware of your partner’s choice and make a decision mutually, so as to not have any negative consequences. Firstly, before taking the huge step to becoming a married couple, you and your partner must understand each other’s thought process. You need to know if your partner also wants to get engaged. Once you are completely sure about the decision, plan the proposal out and it has to be romantic. Your bucket list must include your engagement proposal as beautifully done and also, romantic.

Get engaged
Get engaged

How to choose the Ring?

One big dilemma everyone faces before engagement is the choice of ring. If you plan on surprising your beau with a proposal and a ring with it, it’s actually tough to decide which ring to choose. But, many times, the couple decide their engagement together and both of them choose their ring together. You need to have a budget for the engagement ring, and also select a design which would be loved by your partner.

The Engagement Venue

Last but not the least, the selection of venue where you want to get engaged. A romantic place, where you would pop the question and surprise your love, is all you ever need. You need to plan the venue, for example, if you are planning on getting engaged at a family dinner, or maybe at a restaurant with candlelight dinner. You might also plan on getting engaged outdoors, like on a pier, under the sky full of stars, or take your partner to the place where you first met or had your first date. Everything is very important, to make your bucket list wish come true. The planning, setting, arrangements, everything is very crucial and needs to be taken care of.

The huge step of asking your partner the question, is what brings you one step closer to a lifetime commitment and marriage, and the next phase of your beautiful life. The moment of waiting for that one single “yes” really is nail-biting. Enjoy the moment, savour it and feel the togetherness with your partner and also, the endless support of your family and your friends. Once you’re engaged to the love your life, all you would have to do, is start planning your ultimate, dreamy wedding.