Why do people want to swim with the rays?

Swimming with Stingrays
Swimming with Stingrays

If you’re a person who loves the sea and its creatures then you probably have something like swimming with stingrays in your bucket list. You must have thought this through and decided that you really want to get a good look at the rays by swimming with them. This is a great idea and unique bucket list ideas like these are the reason why people stay motivated and they work tirelessly to reach their desired destinations.

What to do before going on a swim with the rays

Swimming with stingrays can be exhilarating but at the same time, it can be dangerous. The rays which are raised or bred in captivity are more welcoming towards humans but the ones in the oceans are not tamed and hence they might react violently when approached. It is best to take proper precautions before you decide to take a swim with these creatures. You have to remember that these creatures can inflict some lethal injuries and though there haven’t been many deaths, just a single strike from the ray’s tail is enough to inflict a serious wound which would mean certain death if not treated within a certain amount of time. So even if you are eager to swim with the rays and update your travel bucket list as soon as you can, you should take a step back and think whether or not you really want to risk your life.

Snorkel with Stingrays
Snorkel with Stingrays

How to swim with the sting rays

Stingrays like to camouflage themselves by hiding under the sand. This makes it hard for a person to spot them in shallow waters but what they can do is keep their feet from moving too much especially from side to side as this might cause them to step on the tail of a ray accidentally and then getting stung in the process. So in order for you to have a safe trip, you would need to find a group of people and look for a guided tour which won’t allow more than ten people. This will help the guide in keeping track of everyone and he or she will be able to supervise everyone in a better way. The Bahamas is one such place where such guided tours is found. The guide will take you to an area which is rich in stingrays and these rays are used to humans so they won’t pose much of a threat. So grab your gear or buy some and swim with the rays and update your bucket list.

Money is probably the biggest issue when it comes to travelling. You will need a decent amount of cash to fund all of your unique bucket list ideas. Investing can be a good option and you should think about this before updating or making a travel bucket list. If you fancy your luck then you should take part in this contest which is being held right now. You have to download the bucket list app and register yourself. And you also have to upload your bucket list and if you’re lucky then you will win $500.