Fly in a Seaplane

Fly in a Seaplane
Fly in a Seaplane

If you’re a big fan of any TV show or movie that features a seaplane and you want to experience it for yourself, you’ve got to add “flying in a seaplane” to your bucket list. Not only will it make you feel like a star in an adventure or spy film, but it will also give you an experience you can’t get anywhere else.

A Seaplane adventure is a popular feature on bucket lists, due to the fantastic views, small passenger numbers, and the unique experience of taking off and landing on the water.

You’ll find some of the best seaplane tours and journeys in the Pacific Northwest of the United States up into Canada, over the Lochs of Scotland, and to remote islands around the world.

Bucket list ideas - Fly in a Seaplane
Seaplane flying

If you want to explore the trips in Seattle, Kenmore Air is the best (and almost only) company, with around 25 planes that fly to hard-to-reach locations, and take tourists on tours. Fortunately, check-in is much faster than at international airports, and all you need to do is show your ID, get your boarding pass, and take a seat to watch the seaplanes land and take off until your own flight.

Another popular option across the pond is Loch Lomond Seaplanes in Alexandria, Scotland, where you can take a seaplane over the Western Isles, Trossachs, and the Sound of Jura, among other sights. Be aware that they have a waitlist during the summer, so book ahead.

Flying in a seaplane truly is a bucket list experience you can’t get anywhere else – the experience of taking off the surface of the water, and returning to land on it is an experience unlike any other!

To start a bucket list of your own, click here to make your own bucket list online, or search for the Buckil bucket list app on Google Play for Android or the App Store for iOS.