Give Blood

Bucket list idea give blood
Bucket list idea give blood

If you ask someone what’s on their bucket list, they’ll likely give you a long list of adventures and fun experiences they want to have, like traveling to Japan, going bungee jumping, and cycling the Santa Monica beach path. These are all great ideas for a bucket list, but have you considered adding “Give Blood” to your bucket list?

Though giving blood is simple and easy to do, many people either never get around to doing it, or they have an unfounded or unexplainable fear of doing so. Either way, if you haven’t given blood in your life, you need to add it to your bucket list – preferably your 2019 bucket list.

Giving blood isn’t just about checking it off your bucket list, but it’s about doing something to help others while conquering your fears. The entire process, from the moment you walk through the doors to the moment you walk out, rarely takes more than an hour, and most of this time is spent waiting. 90% of people need blood at some point in their lives, so it’s only fair that you give a little in case you too need someone else’s in the future.

Bucket list ideas blood donation
Blood Donation

What if you hate it? Then you don’t have to do it ever again, but you may find the process is not only relatively painless (most people don’t experience anything more than a light pinch) but makes you feel good too. In some countries you’ll even receive a text message when your blood is used, so you can feel extra good knowing that your blood is helping someone in need, and each pint of blood can save up to three lives.

After, you’ll almost certainly get a free cookie, and studies have shown that giving blood regularly may decrease the risk of having a heart attack because it helps the body get rid of excess iron.

Whatever your reason for delaying your first time giving blood, it’s time to add it to your bucket list, and the perfect way to do that is by starting a list on the Buckil bucket list maker site or on the Buckil bucket list app. You may even save someone’s life!