A bucket list isn’t complete without a hot air balloon ride – at least, not unless you are terrified of heights. Taking a ride in a hot air balloon is a popular bucket list choice, and a survey by Engage Mutual found that it came in at number 7 in a list of 20 things people want to do before they die, and with good reason.
A hot air balloon ride is an experience unlike any other; what other way can you float along high up in the air, quietly surveying the landscape below? There really isn’t another way to have such a breathtaking view while being out in the open air, while someone else guides the height of the balloon and the wind pushes it along gently.
The hot air balloon was one of the earliest forms of flying we had, and it’s nice to slow down and take in the sights. While the view from an airplane may be impressive, sitting in a cramped pressurized cabin and flying above the clouds after two minutes of view certainly isn’t anything compared to riding in a hot air balloon.

One of the best things about a hot air balloon ride is that you can take anyone with you – age and fitness isn’t a barrier. If you have an elderly or sickly friend or relative, they can ride with you, no matter their age, and anyone can enjoy it. You can take a ride close to where you live or go up when you’re on vacation to get a full appreciation of the natural landscape.
Compared to some of the other items on your bucket list, this one often comes in near the bottom, as it costs around $120 per person for a ride, depending on where you are. Be prepared to get up early to see the early morning sights or go later in the day as the sun begins to set when it is warmer – or do both!
When you book your ride will be subject to good weather, but should the weather not live up to the forecast, the company taking you up will postpone your ride until a later date.
To start a bucket list of your own, click here to make your own bucket list online, or search for the Buckil bucket list app on Google Play for Android or the App Store for iOS.