Bucket list: Visit all of New Zealand’s main town and cities

Beautiful view of Wellington
Beautiful view of Wellington

New Zealand is one of the greatest treasures of the planet Earth. The country is so beautiful that comparing it to paradise will not be doing any injustice to paradise. The landscape, weather, culture, cuisines of this country will not fail to take your breath away, no matter how many countries you have traveled in the past. Because of the fact that the country was so isolated from the rest of civilization for so long and human habilitation happened here so late, that the country has grown one of the most prominent biodiversities in the world containing different types of animal, fungal and plant life. You can have a feel of some of the sharpest mountain peaks and at the same time taste of the deepest and bluest ocean, all at New Zealand. One thing is that you can not have more of the country, you have to have all of it, seeing every single town and cities, tasting cuisines from every corner and mixing with great cultures to be fully satisfied. So quickly add this to your bucket list 2019 and believe me it will be one of the most unique bucket list ideas you will ever have.

Breathtaking landscapes :

New Zealand being an island country contains mainly two islands and other small numerous islands. The country’s landscape varies greatly and biodiversity can be noticed even by someone who does not have the ability to appreciate such things. Rural scenes near Queenstown, the Emerald lakes of Mt. Tongariro, Lake gun, Pencarrow head of Wellington are some of many examples of the breathtaking and majestic landscapes that New Zealand contains. So Seeing all of New Zealand’s cities will definitely make your travel bucket list enriched.

A beautiful city Auckland
A beautiful city Auckland

Cherish the diverse culture :

As it is very unique in New Zealand, the country mostly is populated with immigrants thus making it’s cultures and heritages one of the most diversely mixed cultures of the world. While visiting all the places of New Zealand, you will be able to get a taste of the mixture of cultures which you will surely cherish for the rest of your life. The true sense of unity in diversity will become more transparent.

Experience art and Literature :

Being one of the most diversely populated countries New Zealand is home to numerous unique and majestic art forms and literature. While traveling from one end to another in New Zealand, get a dose of their art and literature which will absolutely make a mark on your soul. Dunedin has been declared by UNESCO as “City of literature”.

Taste New Zealand exquisite cuisines :

Once again the diverse culture has affected even in the cuisines of the country. Seafood is the must-have here and once you have tasted the fresh items just cooked after picking them from the ocean, you will fell in love with it immediately. So plan your adventures now for your ultimate 2019 bucket list.